
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yesterday we had class in the morning and in the afternoon we had two options. We could either take a dance class at Intercultural or go watch a dance presentation at UN (universtiy national). I decided that I wanted to take the dance class because it would have been a very long walk in the rain. So far I do not think I have encountered a complete day without rain.

The instructor's name is Enrique and he is exactly what anyone would expect of a Costa Rican man. Passionate. I somehow managed to get lucky and I got to have Enrique as my dance partner for the class. Learning the Salsa with someone who knows how to do it is so much easier. When I return to Wartburg I hope to take more of the dance classes.

After dance class a small group of us went gift shopping and bought Trits. Trits is a type of ice cream sandwich that is to die for. After that small adventure we went our seperate ways. Sammy, Aaron and myself decided that it would be a good idea to see one of the free concerts at UN. This week is U week. U week is compareable to any college's homecoming week.

When we arrived at the concert we were not expecting it to be a rock concert. We also were not expecting to be searched or have our bags searched to enter. The last thing we were not expecting was that everyone there would be completely dressed in black. We felt 100% out of place. Sammy, Aaron, and I were all dressed in either white or red. As anyone could imagine all eyes were on us. It was such a strange feeling being there. We felt like we were unwanted so we stayed for a total of five minutes.

All in all it was another interesting day in Costa Rica. Today our group will be going to Cafe Britt.

¡Pura Vida!

Madison Stumbo

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